Love Is Blind’s Amy Cortes and Johnny McIntyre Want to Wait ‘3 to 4 Years’ Before Having Kids

In a recent interview, Amy Cortes and Johnny McIntyre, the fan-favorite couple from the hit Netflix reality series “Love Is Blind,” have revealed their plans to hold off on starting a family for the time being.

The newlyweds, who met and fell in love on the show’s third season, have been open about their desire to take their relationship at a measured pace, prioritizing their personal growth and the strengthening of their bond before taking the leap into parenthood.

“We definitely want kids, but we’re looking at a timeline of maybe 3 to 4 years from now,” Cortes shared with a smile. “Right now, we’re just focused on enjoying our marriage, traveling, and really solidifying our foundation as a couple.”

McIntyre echoed his wife’s sentiments, emphasizing the importance of establishing a strong emotional and financial footing before introducing a child into the equation.

“It’s not that we don’t want kids – we absolutely do,” he explained. “But we want to make sure we’re in a place where we can provide a stable, loving environment for them. We’ve got some career goals we want to achieve first, and we’re also just really savoring this newlywed phase.”

The decision to delay having children is a refreshingly candid and pragmatic one, reflective of the couple’s maturity and self-awareness. In a world where societal pressures often push couples to start families at a breakneck pace, Cortes and McIntyre’s approach is a testament to their commitment to building a lasting, fulfilling relationship.

“We’ve seen so many couples on the show and in real life rush into parenthood before they’re truly ready,” Cortes acknowledged. “And we don’t want to make that mistake. We want to make sure we’re emotionally, financially, and mentally prepared for the challenges of raising a child.”

McIntyre chimed in, noting that their decision has been met with understanding and support from their close-knit family and friends. “Everyone around us has been really great about respecting our timeline. They know that we’re in this for the long haul, and they want us to take the time to get our ducks in a row before taking that next step.”

As the “Love Is Blind” fan base eagerly awaits updates on the couple’s journey, Cortes and McIntyre’s refreshingly grounded approach to family planning serves as a heartening reminder that there is no one-size-fits-all path to a fulfilling, lifelong partnership.

“We’ve been through so much together already, and we know that parenthood is a whole other level of commitment,” Cortes concluded. “But we’re excited for that chapter, and we’re confident that when the time is right, we’ll be more than ready to welcome a little one into our lives.”

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